Tappy Feet Class Punch Cards

Adult Tap Classes in Denver, Colorado

Buy in bulk and save!

We promise you’ll see a huge improvement in your tap skillz as well as your general happiness and well-being by the last punch! *

* That statement wasn’t reviewed by anyone working for a governmental agency with an acronym. But we really believe it’s true.

THIS CARD IS NON-REFUNDABLE! But, it is fully transferrable—if you want to lend your punch card to your brother, neighbor, that barista who noticed your new haircut, feel free to. This card also never expires—need to take a 9 month break? Awesome, we’ll be here when you come back.

10 Class Punch Card

Enjoy class at a discount—$12 per class when you buy a package of 10!

20 Class Punch Card

Enjoy class at a discount—$11 per class when you buy a package of 20!